Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cooper Nuclear Station Exits ‘Notification of Unusual Event’

Written by Nemaha County Herald Wednesday, 30 June 2010 18:50

This aerial photograph taken from above the Missouri River with the camera pointed northwest shows how the major flooding brought water up close to the plant and flooded some nearby fields.

Nebraska Public Power District and Cooper Nuclear Station management announced at 3:13 p.m. Friday, June 25, that the plant had exited the “Notification of Unusual Event” status it entered early Tuesday morning, June 22. Missouri River water levels near Cooper Station were at 897.3 feet and dropping. Based on projections and weather forecasts the river level was expected and indeed did continue falling throughout the weekend.The notification was made as part of emergency preparedness procedures which the station follows when flooding conditions are in effect. The procedures dictate, when the river’s level reaches 42.5 feet, or greater than 899 feet above sea level, a Notification of Unusual Event is declared.Plant officials notified local, county, state and federal agencies of the classification. There was no threat to plant employees or the public throughout the event.A Notification of Unusual Event is the lowest and least serious of four emergency classifications established by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for nuclear power plants.Working in partnership with the state’s rural public power districts, cooperatives and municipalities, NPPD helps serve an estimated 1 million Nebraskans with retail or wholesale electric power and energy-related products and services.

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